Some tests are open for the upcoming 0.0.3 version, it is still an offline version but we started to refactor all of our maps, entities (mobs, players, npcs) and navigation so a lot of change has happened since the version 0.0.2!
A complete changelog will be available for the release of the new version once we are done with our tests with this new version.
There has been some nice progress on the next milestone for our prototype development and I've been able to integrate a bunch of WIP code for our mobile build.
Although, this version still share the same amount of issues we had with 0.0.3 final release and additionally, there seems to be some tilemap loading issues with our tilesets as it renders some strange artifacts on some tiles.
Quite a lot of updates from the current milestone, I updated the roadmap post with everything that is going on right now: viewtopic.php?t=21564
I managed to build a small dev release for anyone that would like to test it out, accessible here:
"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
-- Ford Prefect
Hello, I downloaded SoM for Linux here:
I could not launch the game using the shell script launcher, nor the binary file even after making both executable. I als made the data file executable after that to be certain and still got a frozen window frame. I assume I'm missing some fundamental software requirements. Probably some godot infrastructure?
Hello, I downloaded SoM for Linux here:
I could not launch the game using the shell script launcher, nor the binary file even after making both executable. I als made the data file executable after that to be certain and still got a frozen window frame. I assume I'm missing some fundamental software requirements. Probably some godot infrastructure?
Does launching the game through command line prints something on the terminal?
"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
-- Ford Prefect
Vulkan API 1.0.2 - Using Vulkan Device #0: Unknown - llvmpipe (LLVM 11.0.1, 128 bits)
WARNING: lavapipe is not a conformant vulkan implementation, testing use only.
I encountered these when I hit the X to close window:
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: Physics2DConstraintSolveIslands
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:129)
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: Physics2DConstraintSetup
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:129)
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: Physics3DConstraintSolveIslands
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:129)
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: Physics3DConstraintSetup
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:129)
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: _physics_process_internal
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:129)
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: _compression
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:129)
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: @export
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:131)
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: @export_multiline
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:131)
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: @export_range
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:131)
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: Variant
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:129)
ERROR: Pages in use exist at exit in PagedAllocator: N7Variant5Pools11BucketLargeE
at: PagedAllocator (./core/templates/paged_allocator.h:140)
ERROR: Pages in use exist at exit in PagedAllocator: N7Variant5Pools12BucketMediumE
at: PagedAllocator (./core/templates/paged_allocator.h:140)
ERROR: Pages in use exist at exit in PagedAllocator: N7Variant5Pools11BucketSmallE
at: PagedAllocator (./core/templates/paged_allocator.h:140)
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: animation_list_changed
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:131)
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: interface_added
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:131)
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: triangles_updated
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:131)
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: frame_pre_draw
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:131)
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: frame_post_draw
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:131)
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: setup_local_to_scene_requested
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:131)
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: physics_frame
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:131)
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: fallback_changed
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:131)
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: completed
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:131)
ERROR: BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: child_entered_tree
at: unref (core/string/string_name.cpp:131)
There seems to be some issues with the client resize on linux that could be related to the new use of vulkan from Godot, we are following this issue but so far no workaround.
This version also integrate a first integration of our network so be sure to test the client in online mode!
mode.png (11.62 KiB) Viewed 22800 times
If no blocking issues are found we will release this milestone next week!
"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
-- Ford Prefect
A new build is available for the 0.0.6 milestone, still very early in development, this time the main focus is on the combat gameplay.
Here are some bindings to test:
Attack: Ctrl or Right Ctrl
Mana Burst Skill: 1
Flar Skill: 2
Lum Skill: 3
Inma Skill: 4
Target: E
It's quite different from TMW's bindings and this is just a test, do not hesitate to give me some feedbacks about it!
Another point to discuss is the fact that moving during a skill cast won't trigger the skill, right now some particle effects are missing but it should be more obvious in a future build.
Web build:
Portable builds:
"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
-- Ford Prefect