Proposal: disable or remove in-client (over)weight notifications

Development discussions for TMW's official client, alternative clients and client adaptations.

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Remove in-client overweight notification?

do not remove (and leave enabled by default)


disable by default


remove entirely

Total votes: 4
Moubootaur Legends
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Proposal: disable or remove in-client (over)weight notifications

Post by ThinkSome »

It is my opinion that this should be handled by servers/games. Servers/games can output a chat message warning as needed, but script API might be lacking. Having this hard-coded in client puts undue burden on game designer as players will get erroneous messages if game does not penalise 50% weight or penalises it differently.

There already exists the overweight effect: yellow weight at 50% and red one at 90%. These are completely server/game-controlled.

I propose removing the in-client overweight handling or at least disabling that warning pop-up by default.

The notification in question:

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Re: Proposal: disable or remove in-client (over)weight notifications

Post by cuoco »

Disabling this by default would make life so much better!

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Re: Proposal: disable or remove in-client (over)weight notifications

Post by Bjørn »

It's not entirely hardcoded (at least not in ManaPlus, it is still hardcoded in Mana client at the moment). The percentage can be set to 100% when a server does not penalise weight at all (by "paths" config value "overweightPercent"). Doesn't help with the penalty is something else, of course.

This should probably be turned into a status effect? Preferably server-controlled, of course, which can be done through SMSG_BEING_STATUS_CHANGE (0x0196) or SMSG_PLAYER_STATUS_CHANGE (0x0119).

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Re: Proposal: disable or remove in-client (over)weight notifications

Post by Livio »

A more real thing would be a walking speed penalty according to weight and strength but well...
N00b mages may wonder why their MP is not coming back if there's no notification at all.
A nice thing would be a sweat drop badge (or sweating effect on their face) on player if the overweight status icon alone is not visible.

Moubootaur Legends
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Re: Proposal: disable or remove in-client (over)weight notifications

Post by ThinkSome »

Apparently herc has a packet to modify this %, which is supported in MV (and probably M+), but to my knowledge no game uses it at the moment.

Livio wrote: 21 Oct 2024, 10:51

A more real thing would be a walking speed penalty according to weight and strength but well...
N00b mages may wonder why their MP is not coming back if there's no notification at all.
A nice thing would be a sweat drop badge (or sweating effect on their face) on player if the overweight status icon alone is not visible.

Yeah, I'd like to see progressive penalties :|

There is already the overweight status effect which signals this just fine without getting into one's face during combat.

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