so long, and thanks for all the fish

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Re: so long, and thanks for all the fish

Post by straelyn »

Silent Dawn wrote:Even if, from my observations, you were not active with both chars at the same time, dont you think you were taking advantage of the autofollow option by healing your archer whenever your hp was low? I did, and that's why i showed up to talk to you.
I could only play one at a time, and that's all I did. All I did was use a built-in feature on the main client. It was fun, so sue me!
Last edited by straelyn on 03 Feb 2014, 12:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: so long, and thanks for all the fish

Post by Hello=) »

o11c wrote:Missing the point. I don't deny that cooperation is a part of MMORPGs. But competition also is.
To some degree it's true. Though actual players preferences vary wildly on how much competition and collaboration they want, ranging from aggressive PKers up to pacifists who enjoys by some rather peaceful actions like healing, etc.
In a single-player or coop game, if you cheat, you're only cheating yourself. This is not true in TMW.
I wonder... have you ever played CTF?
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Re: so long, and thanks for all the fish

Post by Shainen »

straelyn wrote:
Silent Dawn wrote:Even if, from my observations, you were not active with both chars at the same time, dont you think you were taking advantage of the autofollow option by healing your archer whenever your hp was low? I did, and that's why i showed up to talk to you.
I could only play one at a time, and that's all I did. All I did was use a built-in feature on the main client. It was fun, so sue me!
So, straelyn, this whole time that I've been spending hundreds of thousands of GP on heal items for my bansheer I could have just auto-followed with my mage and use inma? What a fool I was! If that's the case I'll just make 3 or 4 healers and have them all auto-following my bansheer, might as well triple my chances for heals, right?. Oh wait!; I could do this with my warrior too! He sure could use a few auto-following tanks to take the pressure off, what with all those mobs doing damage on me alone! Might as well have them attacking too, I could use a few more leveled characters. BTW, a little off topic but why does sport fishing have to be so challenging when all you have to do is drop an M80 explosive into the lake and up pops all these nice fish?
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Re: so long, and thanks for all the fish

Post by Reid »

Shainen wrote:So, straelyn, this whole time that I've been spending hundreds of thousands of GP on heal items for my bansheer I could have just auto-followed with my mage and use inma? What a fool I was! If that's the case I'll just make 3 or 4 healers and have them all auto-following my bansheer, might as well triple my chances for heals, right?. Oh wait!; I could do this with my warrior too! He sure could use a few auto-following tanks to take the pressure off, what with all those mobs doing damage on me alone! Might as well have them attacking too, I could use a few more leveled characters.
You just described how was TMW a few years ago, with twice the amount of fun and players. :D
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Re: so long, and thanks for all the fish

Post by WildX »

Shainen wrote: So, straelyn, this whole time that I've been spending hundreds of thousands of GP on heal items for my bansheer I could have just auto-followed with my mage and use inma?
Where's the fun in wasting hours on buying heal items? Both of the things you mentioned are clearly flawed systems that need to be fixed, not replaced by something just as flawed.
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Re: so long, and thanks for all the fish

Post by Platyna »

Chicka-Maria wrote:
o11c wrote:
veryape wrote:The TMWC can veto gm candidates that has passed the polls, but to my knowledge that has never happened.
It happened for Chicka's poll back when it was the GHP and we were under Platyna. Sure, Platyna was the one who actually used the veto in the end, but there was already lack of consensus among the rest of the GHP, which would be a rejection under the current rules also.

technically there was no good reason for my poll actually. The only reason i got denied by platyna was because two GMs voted no for me. Then platyna got blamed x) and the poll was never talked about again even after she was gone.

Your attitude, including fair judgement, proves more and move that this decision of mine was wrong. You were one of few people actually worth giving powers at all, instead of those power hungry kiddies, who first threatened to leave and then left anyway even if they got what they wanted.

This world should have more people like you. Accept my deep respect.

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Re: so long, and thanks for all the fish

Post by Platyna »

o11c wrote:
veryape wrote:As I understood it she was denied to become a GM because she was a developer? Wasn't that the case?
It was mentioned in the discussion, but not important to the final decision.

(it *was* the critical point in tux's poll).
It was. Main reason Chicka-Maria wasn't made a GM is because being a developer.

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Re: so long, and thanks for all the fish

Post by bugs »

straelyn wrote:Doesn't change anything else of what I said.
Nestalgia is a better game anyway. I was playing for all of 5 minutes and I got a companion.
anyways, do you have any idea how many hours I poured into those characters?? How much of my own life I wasted building up those goddamn stats? You have no Duck right to usurp this game, you Duck hack. YOU HAVE NO Duck RIGHT@!
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Re: so long, and thanks for all the fish

Post by Ledmitz »

It always comes back to this discussion. Following has been long debated and mostly hated. I was a bot lover. The GY was a happening place back then and there were many more discussions with players while there. The game was WAY more social, I found and some of my favourite players left when that rule came about. I understand though, why the "other side of the coin" has a valid point... especially with regards to autoheal. but the game had such a busy feel when I was autofollowing/attacking in the GY while another char was hunting for items. I had to be very aware of both screens in case a bot-check came my way. Sometimes I was signed in 3 times. I also made a pair of characters that followed each other that I just ended up deleting when the no autofollow rule came about. I miss ReLeVeLeR... both EviL-LeVeLeR (Red) and ReLeVeL-LivE (Blue) . Now tell me those palindromes didn't require some thought.
I doubt things will ROCK here the way they used to, but I still have fun here and appreciate all the new work that is constantly being done now, even if I spend more time in the Real World now. :alt-6: I don't see me leaving over a rule change yet, but what I don't understand is why multiple sign ins are allowed. When Ledmitz guards the GY, Mystic is there somewhere close to heal and betsanc him. Right now.. that is allowed, but I am sure someone here would consider that cheating.

@Reid: I thought multiple logins are against the rules at Evol ... But you said the GY was more fun when autofollow was allowed. So now I'm a little perplexed ... :?

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Re: so long, and thanks for all the fish

Post by Reid »

Ledmitz wrote:@Reid: I thought multiple logins are against the rules at Evol ... But you said the GY was more fun when autofollow was allowed. So now I'm a little perplexed ... :?
What I meant is that there are no "general rules" for a MMORPG, many players were used to autofollow and it filled some blank gameplay part. (Like the GY being accessible by a lvl 40~50 as this level range hasn't any grid spot at this time).
I didn't mean anything regarding Evol and our rules are clear about it. ;)
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Re: so long, and thanks for all the fish

Post by DefinitelyNOTMrWho »

(read all of it because it's funny and educational at the same time)
Sad to see you go Straelyn. I myself tried to fight this idiotic rule but to no result.

I know this stupid TMWC thing won't last forever because at some point in time some people there will lose their virginity and stop taking this game so seriously. In a way I feel very sad for them and have always tried to make up excuses why they do such things.

I guess stupidity in a way is just like death because when you're dead you don't know you're dead it's just hard for everyone else around you to deal with it, the same is if you're stupid.

I am outrageously intelligent and really try hard to ignore the tidal wave of stupidity which hit the TMW shores when the o11c meteorite crashed into the TMWC sea. I sometimes feel like that smart guy in the movie "Idiocracy", the only difference being I'm way smarter and have to fight way more stupid people without chances of success.

Let me try to explain to you why coders/developers shouldn't be a part of the TMWC and why I think they lack intelligence (I'll try to write this so that even they might understand what I'm trying to say by making an analogy between TMW and something most people are familiar with).

Let's say TMW is a construction company and they are trying to build an appartment building. The owner of this company is a polish woman named Platyna, she has 100 workers who all work to complete this building and make people move in. Now all these workers are good in what they do, you have your concrete workers, scaffolding staff and such (like in TMW where you have coders and other kinds of devs), they know how to do the job they have but they lack management skills, people skills, planning skills, you get the idea. Platyna on the other hand is intelligent (Intelligence has been defined in many different ways such as in terms of one's capacity for logic, abstract thought, understanding, self-awareness, communication, learning, emotional knowledge, memory, planning, and problem solving -source:wikipedia) she has all those skills.

The workers always used to come with all sorts of dumb ideas to Platyna, they thought they really had some good stuff but Platyna was always talking down to them because their ideas were plain stupid. The workers got pretty angry by the fact they were being ignored and planned a rebellion. They overthrew Platyna and took control of the construction company themselves. The only problem was that they were good at pouring concrete, hitting nails with a hammer or welding stuff, they had no idea what it takes to run a company.

So the company went broke and the building was left to rot.

Coders should stick to coding not managing games (this is where i'm talking about o11c). If you are a good coder that's exactly what you should do: code. If a guy is very good at making hamburgers at McDonalds I bet they wouldn't make him CEO of the company.

I see no way out of this except maybe if I was to be ellected as the "CEO" of TMW. I would probably reorganise this game's structure and make it more fun and popular.
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