Player-set 1.5

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non-default actions

Post by nmaligec »

I was hoping I could just modify the attack-action attribute in items.xml. As I feared, the client only recognizes the default actions. Unless there is more I have to do, I could not get the new animation to play by just adding the entry in the player xml and modifying the attack-action in items.xml. I can only see the animation in game IF I replace one of the existing actions in player_male_base.xml.

It appears that without an updated client, not even new attacks can be used. I will finish off the needed xml and I am sure skipy will make the test weapon sheets. Hopefully someone who knows the client src can make an update.

Besides what I said in my previous post, I just got a new idea. What if we also add an attack-throw action? It was listed as one of the possible to implement actions on: ... Caction.3E
I think it could be very useful later on for thrown potions like molotov cocktails or just plain rocks. Maybe the needed frames can be recycled from existing ones instead of needed brand new pixel art (like you did for the whip).

Well I tested the new male actions. They all look great. My favs are the 1h swing, followed by the 2h. The casting frames are also really good, but there was one problem with the up sequence (back facing you). Since all these actions start after a stand frame, the first frame of the up casting has the arms stay pretty much in the same place as the up stand. The second frame of the up might look better if the arms go up a little higher. Maybe the up sequence would look better with:
1rst frame with the arms a little raised
2nd frame with the arms raised a little higher than before.
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Re: Player-set 1.5

Post by skipy »

nmaligec wrote:skipy:
heh, I just noticed that I need the female spritesheet with requests 1 and 2 added (ie modified 1rst frame polearm, and 4rth frame 1h). I am almost ready to test the male version, just taking a small break first. Hopefully you will have the female base ready by the time I can test it.

As for the weapon spritesheets (ie the attack sheet templates), I thought we could use some of the unreleased weapons:

id 594 "Spear" for polearm (note: reference weapon-staff.png for approx length)

id 587 "Sword" for 1h (note: make sure it is about 20 pix high/long from hilt to tip. The longsword should be the longest at ~32 px)

id 549 "Axe" for 2h (note: keep it about 26 pix long. Also if you prefer id 550 "Blacksmith's Axe" you can do that one instead, it can be ~28-30 pix.)

There is a quick reference for the weapon icons on the wiki: ... ed_Weapons ... ed_Weapons

Also if you think my weapon length estimates are off pls discuss. I judged based off the body proportions of the spritesheet and tried to relate that to a reasonable weapon lengths.

Adding more animation to the eyes would be GREAT! Right now the head looks kinda wooden/frozen. Can you take on this project to add more expressive eyes to the player set? By changing only the eyes, we won't have to modify any of the equipment graphics. Just wait until the current work that skipy is doing is complete before starting any new modifications.

I agree with skippy's peanut butter, that death frames in different directions isn't worth it. By adding an extra up and left frame (right is mirrored), you would need to add 2 extra frames of pixel work to EVERY piece of equipment! I don't think anyone has any serious problems with just the forward facing single death frame.

One last question that is open to all:
Should the weapons appear in the normal non-combat frames as well, like the scythe? This would mean a lot more pixel work but it might be worth it, just having the weapon pop out when you swing is kinda ridiculous IMO. If people agree that would mean adding 1 death frame, 3 stand frames, 3 sit frames, and 18 walk frames (note left and right are mirrors, so you only need to pixel one set). This would be on top of the minimum 12 attack frames, 37 frames is a lot of work and that is just for 1 weapon.
i am bisy for some time (week?real life stuff)...but should have it done (female-set) sooon.
the weapon info will speed this up a lot ,thanks,i will keep in mind..
weapon length seems good to me and can alway be fix after ..

""What if we also add an attack-throw action?""---> i was hoping the 1-hand swing would work on big stuff and the stabb for dust, stars and small make it look good i was planing on useing trails/tale to things thrown....

ill play some with gif and see what i get...

problem with the up sequence (back facing you),spell--> yeah i see it now ....i will fix soon :twisted: ......

no more time ....bed ---------------maybe----------------skipy :twisted:
back to working on---> (crypt)then(player 1.5) and more. *been on hold do to my laptop being fix* any feel free to add/help. ill be up and working as soon as i can ...good luck to all.

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Re: Player-set 1.5

Post by Alige »

When we will have "final" version, I will do the eyes depending on the action. Example: when we aim with the bow, etc...

In addition, I will correct few pixels that will not be good. Why is there not any other image of dead? (I mean why is there only a single image when we are dead and not 4)?

I suggest we should indeed add an axe (or a mace) but with the pixel art necessary (like the scythe one). A new bow would be really good.
What could diversify weapons (instead of using always the best one) would be for example : (ex for a bow) long range + less damage OR really quick + less damage.

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Re: Player-set 1.5

Post by skipy »

Ali-G wrote:When we will have "final" version, I will do the eyes depending on the action. Example: when we aim with the bow, etc...

In addition, I will correct few pixels that will not be good. Why is there not any other image of dead? (I mean why is there only a single image when we are dead and not 4)?

I suggest we should indeed add an axe (or a mace) but with the pixel art necessary (like the scythe one). A new bow would be really good.
What could diversify weapons (instead of using always the best one) would be for example : (ex for a bow) long range + less damage OR really quick + less damage.

here is a png i put together in 3 shows what we have please use this as a guide for faces ..and thay can be add to the player sprite latter with out geting in the way or forgotten about.....i realy want to see what you have in your head on this..
please post this as a new topic so it can get the help/respect it deserves ..
some good thing here started as just a head (bandits and so on)

player-faces.png (2.66 KiB) Viewed 4305 times
back to working on---> (crypt)then(player 1.5) and more. *been on hold do to my laptop being fix* any feel free to add/help. ill be up and working as soon as i can ...good luck to all.

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Re: Player-set 1.5

Post by Reid »

skipy wrote: here is a png i put together in 3 shows what we have please use this as a guide for faces ..and thay can be add to the player sprite latter with out geting in the way or forgotten about.....i realy want to see what you have in your head on this..
please post this as a new topic so it can get the help/respect it deserves ..
some good thing here started as just a head (bandits and so on)

Oh thanks a lot! I used a old ukar mask when i wanted to creat a new race, with this new head it should much more easy!
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Re: Player-set 1.5

Post by skipy »

this maybe done ...let me know if i missed some thing... :roll: :D :twisted:

player-sprite-sheet-fem-1.5-show.png (120.56 KiB) Viewed 4274 times
back to working on---> (crypt)then(player 1.5) and more. *been on hold do to my laptop being fix* any feel free to add/help. ill be up and working as soon as i can ...good luck to all.

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Re: Player-set 1.5

Post by skipy »

a start on weapon making..

weapontemplate_1hand-slash.png (21.29 KiB) Viewed 4270 times
back to working on---> (crypt)then(player 1.5) and more. *been on hold do to my laptop being fix* any feel free to add/help. ill be up and working as soon as i can ...good luck to all.

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Re: Player-set 1.5

Post by Alige »

Nice skipy but a lot of pixels do not fit/are missing/should be removed. For example: column 1, lign 11 + column 2, lign 14 -> near the head = 2 extra non-fitting brown pixels. I will take care of all of those at the same time I will do the eyes.

On picture with weapon, we need one more column between columns 2 and 3 and one more between 3 and 4. (between 3 and 4 is, IMO, vital).

Questions: I really would like an answer
Man is finished too?
Why is there only 1 image of dead character?
will the other weapons need a" sprite sheet" (?) like the scythe ?

Please announce clearly when the final version is done.

Sincerely, Napalm.
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Re: Player-set 1.5

Post by skipy »

for now this is all testing .....theres times i may have said done when i mean ready for testing ....if some thing is truly done i will tag it and say "ready for game".....

"On picture with weapon, we need one more column between columns 2 and 3 and one more between 3 and 4. (between 3 and 4 is, IMO, vital)." -------->there was talk and testing on this and because of the work it adds in others places(equipment and so on) and the blocky-movement look it had was found that "less is more" for this... so "NO" imo

also keep in mind the player-sprite was made in mind to cut down on equipment pixeling ....

right now we are trying to get the shape working will enough to test equipment-addon/edits...
the player-sprite will need some detail work before added to the game (along with lots of other work in other places of tmw-ea team and community)

"will the other weapons need a" sprite sheet" (?) like the scythe ?"----->yes? new sheets for each weapons attack and maybe some full sheets like the scythe..

hope this helps---------skipy
back to working on---> (crypt)then(player 1.5) and more. *been on hold do to my laptop being fix* any feel free to add/help. ill be up and working as soon as i can ...good luck to all.

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Re: Player-set 1.5

Post by Alige »

skipy: thx for all, now it is clear for me.

When I will start my new sheet for the eyes, I will start it from the last version presented here, in this topic. I will open a new topic about the eyes editing.
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Re: Player-set 1.5

Post by Bertram »

It appears that without an updated client, not even new attacks can be used.
I do agree. The version doesn't have the possibility to dynamically support new attack actions.
That's why the need of a new more stable client is more and more urgent.

Best regards, and Merry Christmas time to all.
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Re: Player-set 1.5

Post by Reid »

Ali-G wrote:skipy: thx for all, now it is clear for me.

When I will start my new sheet for the eyes, I will start it from the last version presented here, in this topic. I will open a new topic about the eyes editing.
What do you mean by 'eye editing' ? adding the blinking ? or eye coloration?
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Re: Player-set 1.5

Post by Alige »

I am talking about blinking Reid.

Nice thought about the eye coloring Reid but this implies too much work (some hats/masks, at the creation of a character, a new NPC to change it, etc...).
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Re: Player-set 1.5

Post by Reid »

Ali-G wrote:I am talking about blinking Reid.

Nice thought about the eye coloring Reid but this implies too much work (some hats/masks, at the creation of a character, a new NPC to change it, etc...).
Not really. It can be added as an accessories maybe? as for mobs..
Btw, how many frame do you will put for the animation?

Edit : Use my housewife blinking animation at the place of the jack, the housewife is less unicolor and is in 3frames.
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Re: Player-set 1.5

Post by Alige »

Reid wrote:Btw, how many frame do you will put for the animation?
I will change the eye blinking when the character attacks and maybe (I will see after) a little blink when he is walking.

After that, I will try to do a blinking animation when the character is sitting down doing nothing. (This doesn't change any hat at all.)

How can we make a gif animation with gimp?

Reid: I will let the eye color away atm.
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