Forum tags guidelines

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Source of Mana
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Forum tags guidelines

Post by WildX »

These are the tags that you should use when posting in the development forums, some administration forums or in the support section:

For support:
[url=]Read this thread for support tags.[/url]

For the development sections:

[WIP] = Work In Progress. Thread about something that is being worked on by you or someone else.
[DIS] = Discussion topic, to discuss anything that is related to game development.
[CPT] = Concept. An initial concept or idea that you want to propose.

[REQ] = Make a request to developers. Only to be used when already working on something and in need of help, other requests should be posted in the Feedback / Feature Requests / Content Suggestions forum.
Tags only to be used by devs and GMs:

[FND] = Finished piece of conent, now a candidate for a next release.
[SOLVED] = Solved issues in the support forum.
[PASSED] = Passed GM polls.
[REJECTED] = Rejected GM polls.

Additional tags:
Additional tags may be used when appropriate (when they are useful to identify the purpose of a thread).

Mana Team member
