Please do not resurrect old topics

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Please do not resurrect old topics

Post by WildX »

This is a conventional rule in most forums but I understand that as forums in general have become less popular a lot of people may not know this, so I will explain it clearly for future reference.

Generally, don't necro-post.
This is the act of posting something to a long-dead topic. It opens a lot of problems with bringing people who haven't been around in a very long time back into discussion directly. Time stamps are often ignored and misunderstandings can insue and even if that doesn't happen you are still changing what's essentially archival data.

Why is this not a forum rule?
Because you are still allowed to do it. There may be instances where a necro post revives an old discussion positively, even if a new topic with a link to the old one might have been preferrable. In some cases, someone might want to bump something for a developer or admin's attention. There are also some topics like fun screenshots, introductions, etc. where necroing is implicitly allowed. In development-related topics a necro post might bring interest back to something that was forgotten. TL;DR it's complicated, use your best judgement.

The worst type of necro, the ones I really hate, is the one/two word posts that are just "haha yes" or "great job" and resurrect the topic for no reason. Those will be deleted mercilessly.

How long is too long?
If it's been over two years, let it rest in peace.

TMW Team member
