enable/disable trading shortcut (r)

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enable/disable trading shortcut(r)

Just disable default key (r)


Replace with movement-based allow/deny


Disable default key (r) AND add movement-based allow/deny option


Do nothing

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Moubootaur Legends
Moubootaur Legends
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enable/disable trading shortcut (r)

Post by ThinkSome »

From the last year of my lurking around the servers, it seems that this shortcut is a problem. New players, especially, will accidentally press the button and disable trades, then wonder why they cannot trade among themselves.

I would like to get rid of this, so instead I propose a system whereby trade requests are automatically rejected if you have moved in the last 3 or 5 seconds. If the required time has not passed, the client could put a "NAME wants to trade with you, please stand still for N seconds" above your head.

If there is overwhelming demand for that option existing. then I can probably leave it in, but turn it into a ternary:

  • Disable unconditionally;

  • Enable if your avatar has not moved in the last 3 s;

  • Enable unconditionally.

but I'd rather not do this as it's extra bloat.

The movement delay can also be made configurable, but something between 3-5s should be enough for everyone.

I also thought about making trades not work if hostile monsters are around, but I don't know of an easy way of checking monsters for aggression.


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Re: enable/disable trading shortcut (r)

Post by Livio »

Just move the "enabled/disabled trades" message from debug to general chat.
So you see a message over your character or even better an icon (like magic cooldown) would be better IMHO.

In ancient times, n00bs that dared to trade and asked itenplz were rewarded by ancient wizards with itenz.
So trade were reserved only to wise manaworldians...

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Re: enable/disable trading shortcut (r)

Post by Ledmitz »

This is a known exploit to kill ppl at bad times. I never liked it as default before, but now its such a habit I'm TOO used to it. I also get annoyed with having to check debug to see, so I also agree it should show in General. I could change my options to show in General, but all other server messages would show there too, unwanted.
I have a much worse issue with the "npc talk" key initiating the buy/sell window when standing too close to a character. I'd love to see that removed/changed.

Ledmitz = Ardits = KillerBee = Mystic = Mystical_Servant = Tipsy Skeleton = BoomBoom = Cloak

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