hi all

Content and general development discussion, including quest scripts and server code. The Mana World is a project comprising the original tmwAthena server & the designated improved engine server based on evolHercules

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This forum houses many years of development, tracing back to some of the earliest posts that exist on the board.

Its current use is for the continued development of the server and game it has always served: The Mana World.

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hi all

Post by Herman »

just saying hello, glad to be here, im the new programmer in charge of ... :roll: well i don't have an assigned task yet, anyway hope we can work together. BTW, do you have a plan on making a server? maybe i can help on that. I also have almost 2 years experimenting with SDL, so i can help on porting from allegro to SDL as well.
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Post by Bjørn »

Whoo, so you're on board!

While looking trough the code you might already have stumbled upon some SDL code commented out. I've added that in an attempt to make the switch easier/faster. By now we've removed almost all Allegro code we could remove while keeping things functional, and it's time to identify the last places, reduce them even more and finally, pull the switch.

We have a few plans floating around for the server. Also be sure to read docs/packages.txt to get an idea about the way we'd like to do resource management and dynamic updates. At the moment we're using eAthena and few of us know anything about it. The plan is to assert what we want ourselves and design from the ground up our own way of communication and functionality. So be sure to share your opinions on this matter.
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Post by maci »

i just wanna say:

i am glad to see a new developer in the team

btw i am maci .. i am not really a developer but you can see me as some kinda user supporter. if user have problems i try to help. or if there is somebody not able to compile latest cvs i do
of course i do bug reporting and stuff and have some ideas..
i am kinda "general-person" a bit of all :D
ElvenProgrammer wrote:Maci: don't be rude, we're here to help people ;)
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Post by zenogais »

Hey all, I've just joined up as well and instead of making a new topic I'd just like to give my regards to everyone as well. I've had extensive experience in programming on both large and small projects, and hope to be able to help on this very cool looking game.
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Post by Bjørn »

Nice, another welcome then! Be sure to hang around on IRC, and be available if you can at Friday 20:00 GMT when our weekly developers' meeting takes place.

At the moment we're mostly still trying to switch from Allegro to SDL, though final switch is coming near. Especially the GUI was challenging but I think it has improved loads in the process. After the switch it's time we start thinking about actual improvements to the client and also server development.

I guess for now you should be making yourself familiar with the code. Check it out from CVS but also be sure to check out http://sull.homelinux.net/ where you find some links to browse CVS, docs generated by Doxygen and our bug tracker.
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Post by nym »

Hi Herman, im nym.. Im also a slave, except i have got off lightly, as i am not "supposed" to be using a computer till febuary :)

Background Info (for everyone who is interested ;)):
I have just recently completed my final year of high school and am on holidays. I have not started uni. properly yet, but i have completed some uni. subjects (during final high school year). I am a self taught hacker, and i like to procrastinate :). I have a few years of C/C++ programming (im pretty sure.. im not counting :D), and know many strange and wonderful languages. You may see me idling in IRC, or may even see a very rare posting in the forums.

I haven't been hugely active on this project (i haven't been on the dev. team that long.. i joined after HammerBear), but i plan on doing alot of TMW hacking when i get back. (That means, line up a few jobs for Feb. ;))

Welcome aboard me hearties! Scrub the deck or you'll walk the plank you will! ;)

HammerBear: 20:00 GMT friday is my 6:00 saturday. Expect me up this early? You gotta be kidding :D
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