Choosing Light vs Dark path

Content and general development discussion, including quest scripts and server code. The Mana World is a project comprising the original tmwAthena server & the designated improved engine server based on evolHercules

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Choosing Light vs Dark path

Post by Savi »

I killed a monster that affected the path of magic I could pursue. I didn't intend to do what I did but it happened.
What if, after awhile you find that the path you chose wasn't right for you? Could there be an NPC where you would be able to change from the path of light to the path of dark or vice versa. To have an NPC that would do this would require a high cost or penalty. It gives any player that did make a mistake the chance to change their path.
Another option if a players was following the dark path and started doing good deed they could then be brought over to the path of light. Or they could do negative things and move to the dark side. This way players would not have a cut and dry choice. Doing enough good deed would get a response from the witch "I see you have been trying to follow the path of light". There has always been good an evil as well as someone trying to sway you towards the other side using temptation or salvation. Sorry, didn't mean to sound like I am preaching, just trying to show reason why there should be an option for change.
Another option would be in future spells that would be neutral where both good and bad could cast them. Casting certain neutral spells to many times could affect the path you want to follow. Path enhanced equipment or weapons you have equipped while following the wrong path would reduce their effectiveness or affect your health. By casting other neutral spells towards the side you have chosen will bring you back to that side and any ill affects would be avoided.
This would become a fight for good vs evil.
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Re: Choosing Light vs Dark path

Post by Fern »

Some MUDs and RPG games have some kind of "alignment" variable for the player.

I think that it could be nice to have something like this in TMW, so that when you kill some evil monsters or finish quests helping people your alignment raises (high positive number), and when you perform bad actions, kill peaceful animals, or do some quests in the wrong way your alignment drops (can reach negative numbers). So alignment becomes a variable that's changing dynamically according to the actions of the player. I like that idea.

But for now there are too many monsters that are peaceful animals... unless we consider most of them as neutral and only choose a few to be good.
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Re: Choosing Light vs Dark path

Post by Inkweaver »

I presented an alignment idea to create a Cursed Dagger weapon and quest.

I think that alignment sounds good, but unless we get people to do serious programming and art for it it won't happen.
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Re: Choosing Light vs Dark path

Post by kasra5004 »

I presented an alignment idea to create a Cursed Dagger weapon and quest.
And i presented it with another name, " karma". Anyway we need sth like that.
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Re: Choosing Light vs Dark path

Post by Savi »

I had an idea with the magic and the path a person chooses. My idea is kind of a magic pvp. Currently a player can heal another player if they want to. If healing is considered good magic, what if player A who chooses to follow the dark path is being continuously healed by player B who is on the good path. Continuously casting good magic onto player A would cause player A to change from the dark path to the good path. In a way it is an attack on a players path rather the player itself.
If a player wanted to change the magic path they follow to the other then they would need another player following the other path to change them by continuously casting magic onto them until they change.
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Re: Choosing Light vs Dark path

Post by kasra5004 »

It`s not fair ,i think. what will happen if u want to remain dark?
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Re: Choosing Light vs Dark path

Post by Kill3rZ »

Yeah, just we need. Dark mages by choice will love you if you just decide to turn into pink the dark magic they worked their butts off to get. "Dark" and "white" are and should remain decided by *choice*, not by some external curse/exorcism. If I were to be a dark mage and I just decided to "curse" you or "infect" you somehow and make you become a dark mage like me after you willingly and knowingly did everything to keep yourself "white", how would you feel?

Besides, I can pretty much guarantee that before you cast your exorcism 10 times or so, every dark mage there is will want to come (all at once if possible) and greet you with their dark counter-spell. It would also be cool to be a beginner mage and to be cursed/exorcised by a lvl 90+ with full int and perfect magic.
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