READ ME: How to use the support forum

Ask for help regarding any technical issue or report any bug or OS independent issues.
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READ ME: How to use the support forum

Post by WildX »

This is the support forum. Use it in case you need help with anything related to the game and cannot not find the information you're looking on our Wiki or elsewhere on the forums.

Software identification:
If your question or bug report is about the Classic server, please use the tag [CLASSIC] in your title.

Likewise, use [ML], [SOM], etc. You can also use [CLIENT] if you know it to be a client-related issue.

This helps if you want bugs fixed faster and more precise replies.

Operative System identification

If your issue is technical, please specify your OS/Distro version in your post using following tags at the beginning of your post's subject/title:

[WIN] = Windows
[MAC] = Mac OS
[LIN] = GNU/Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, …)
[BSD] = FreeBSD, OpenBSD
[AND] = Android
[CHR] = ChromeOS, Google Chrome

Describe your issue and provide all information you believe might be useful. We will try to help as best we can.

To report a bug:

Report bugs using the [BUG] tag in your post's subject/title together with the software tag.

Please include as much of the following information when reporting a bug

Operating System and version
Client and version
Hardware information, if applicable (graphics/sound cards or mobile device)

Bug Description
A concise description of what the problem is.
Please include NPC names, Map Numbers and any related quest info.
(F10 in Manaverse pulls up a debug window where you can read the map number.)

Steps to Reproduce
Step by step instructions on how to reproduce this bug, if you know how.
The more detailed your list of instructions,
the easier it is for the developer to track down the problem!

Actual Behavior
Tell us what happens when you follow the instructions.
This is the manifestation of the bug.

Expected Behavior
Type what you expected to happen when you followed the instructions.
This is important, because you may have misunderstood something or missed a step,
and knowing what you expected to see will help the developer recognize that.

Troubleshooting/Testing Steps Attempted
Describe anything you did to try to fix it on your own.

If you found a way to make the program work in spite of the bug, describe how you did it here.

If you never wrote a bug report before...
This article by Simon Tatham ( contains a long and exausthive tutorial about how to produce useful bug reports. It was summarized here but if you want, go ahead and read!

Mana Team member

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Source of Mana
Source of Mana
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Location: United Kingdom

Test server reports

Post by WildX »

If you're looking to report bugs for the test server, this is done in the tester reports section. This section is only for the main server. :)

Mana Team member
